Course for PhD students of the Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche

Course for PhD students of the Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche 2020-2021

The course, requested by the Doctoral School in Humanities, coordinated and directed by prof. Ermanno Malaspina, aims at introducing students to the Digital Humanities following 6 modules, each of one constituted of 2 hours lectures + 2 hours workshop.




1. Introduction to digitization
2. Latex
3. A case study: the 3-d digititization of the prison pottery in the Lombroso Museum (University of Turin).
4. Distant reading and data-driven research in the history of philosophy and the history of ideas.
5. Digital critical editions using EVT 
6. The distributed edition: IIIF and LOD integration in TEI/XML editions with EVT



Teaching staff

Maria Cassella (module 1)
Elisa Della Calce (workshop 1)
Enrico Pasini (module 2)
Silvano Montaldo (module 3)
Paolo Giagheddu (module 3)
Cristina Cilli (module 3)
Guido Bonino (module 4)
Paolo Tripodi (module 4)
Eugenio Petrovich (workshop 4)
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (module 5)
Paolo Monella (module 6)