Story of the centre

The research centre "Digital Scholarship for the Humanities" (DISH) was created by the merging of two established research centres for Humanities computing and the application of digital technologies to the Humanities: SuRSUm (Centro Interdipartimentale Sussidi alla Ricerca negli Studi Umanistici), founded in 2008, and MeDiHum (Memoria Digitalis Humanistica: Centro Interdipartimentale per la Digitalizzazione e la Realizzazione di Biblioteche Digitali Umanistiche), founded 2015.


The centre was established in 2021 as a joint initiative of 9 Departments at the University of Turin: the departments of Computer Science, Cultures, Politics and Society, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures, Historical Studies, Humanities, Law, Philosophy and Education Sciences, Psychology, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning.